Continuing & Professional

Got your PADI Open Water certification? Why not take it further with an advanced certification?
Take a look at the courses we offer to get you to the next level.


Completion Time
1 - 1.5 Days
Max. Dive Depth
18M - 30M*

* If Deep Adventure Dive is taken as an option

PADI Adventure Diver

Not ready, or got the time for Advanced Open Water diver certification just yet? 

The Adventure Diver course is a subset of the PADI Advanced Open Water Diver Course (see below). Have you always wanted to try digital underwater photography, fish identification or dry suit diving? There’s a long list of scuba adventures you can take part in during this program, please contact us for more information. Complete three Adventure Dives and you earn the Adventure Diver certification. It’s a great opportunity to work with your instructor to build your scuba skills and gain more confidence. Get a taste of what you like and enjoy scuba diving more than ever.

The three chosen adventure dives of the PADI Adventure Diver Course also count as the first dive of each of the relevant speciality courses.  We are happy to advise or offer up information for you if required….


  • 3 open water dives
  • Advanced OWC Crewpack, DVD.  E-Learning packs available
  • Padi e-PIC ID


Completion Time
2 - 3 Days
Max. Dive Depth

PADI Advanced Open Water Diver

This is the first step beyond your Open Water diver certification and the the most enjoyable Advanced course. What’s it like to dive to 30 meters?  How hard is it to shoot a camera underwater?  And what about the marine life or wrecks?  You get the answers to questions like these by going on PADI Advanced Open Water courses, which introduce you to the basics of special underwater scuba diving activities.  It’s a great way to extend your skills and your diving technique. The best part is, well, it’s all fun.

There are two required dives – PADI Deep and Underwater Navigation – and you choose the other three, for a total of five dives. You will learn the practical aspects of deep scuba diving and its physiological effects. More ways to use your underwater compass and how to navigate using kick-cycles, visual landmarks and time.

The five chosen dives of the PADI Advanced Course also count as the first dive of each of the relevant speciality courses.  We are happy to advise or offer up information for you if required….


  • 5 open water dives (If the Night Adventure dive is chosen then the course is 2 days long.  NB: A €20 supplement is applicable for Summer Night Dives)
  • Advanced OWC Crewpack, DVD.  E-Learning packs available
  • Padi e-PIC IDA


Completion Time
1 Day

Emergency First Responder

Emergency First Response training focuses on building confidence in lay rescuers and increasing their willingness to respond when faced with a medical emergency. Course participants learn simple to follow steps for emergency care and practice applying skills in a non stressful learning environment. All courses are supported by self-study manuals, videos and quick reference cards to enhance learning and allow you start learning right away.

EFR courses meet the CPR and first aid training requirements for the PADI Rescue Diver course and all professional-level ratings. 


Completion Time
1 Day

PADI Emergency O2 Provider

Knowing how and when to use emergency oxygen is a great skill to have and means you’re ready to help others should the need arise.  Becoming a PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider lets you breathe easy knowing that you can recognise scuba diving illnesses treatable with emergency oxygen, and are prepared to offer aid.

There are no prerequisites, age restrictions or water sessions required for this course – it’s open to everyone. Scuba divers, snorkelers and anyone who is around divers – boat crew, lifeguards, etc. – will benefit from having this training.


Completion Time
1.5 Days
Max. Dive Depth

PADI Rescue Diver

Learn to prevent and manage dive emergencies
The PADI Rescue diver training teaches student scuba divers to help prevent problems and, if necessary, manage dive emergencies using a variety of techniques. The PADI Rescue course is designed to be demanding, though realistic in its conduct, content and approach. Although the nature and context in which rescue training may be used is serious, the course is enjoyable and builds diver confidence. Most divers find this course both demanding and rewarding, and at the end, say it’s the best course they’ve ever taken.

Note: To gain Rescue Diver certification you must have a valid First Aid certification. See below for special offers on combined courses.

Special Offers!


Max. Dive Depth

* If Deep speciality has been completed

PADI Master Scuba Diver

Join the best of the best in recreational scuba diving and live the dive life as a PADI Master Scuba Diver. The Master Scuba Diver rating places you in an elite group of respected divers who have earned this rating through both significant experience and scuba training. Fewer than two percent of divers ever achieve this rating. When you flash your Master Scuba Diver card, people know that you’ve spent time underwater in a variety of environments and had your share of dive adventures.

The path starts with earning a PADI Open Water Diver certification, followed by PADI Advanced Open Water Diver and PADI Rescue Diver (or qualifying certifications). You also need to earn five PADI Specialty Diver certifications and have logged a minimum of 50 dives. This really is a challenge


Max. Dive Depth

* If Deep speciality has been completed

PADI Divemaster

Love scuba diving? Want to share it with others on a whole new level? Take the PADI Divemaster course and do what you love to do as a career. Scuba divers look up to divemasters because they are leaders who mentor and motivate others. As a divemaster, you not only get to dive a lot, but also experience the joy of seeing others have as much fun diving as you do. The PADI Divemaster course is your first level of professional training. Working closely with a PADI Instructor, you’ll fine-tune your dive skills, like perfecting the effortless hover, and refine your rescue skills so you anticipate and easily solve common problems. You’ll gain dive knowledge, management and supervision abilities so you become a role model to divers everywhere. As a PADI Divemaster, you’ll lead others as you supervise scuba diving activities and assist with diver training. Whether you want to work at a faraway dive destination or close to home at a local dive shop, the adventure of a lifetime awaits you. PADI Divemasters are respected dive professionals who are aligned with the largest and most respected dive organization in the world.